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Re: Marche: VMS zodiac based on Hermetic sources going back to Dendera

"Bradley E. SCHAEFER" wrote:
> Given this (and related evidence discussed below), I would like to ask
> whether ther Voynich manuscript might not be related to, or an offshoot
> from, the so-called Hermetic corpus,


> These writings, translated into
> Latin by Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), however, played a significant role in
> the awakening of interest in natural magic (and later science) during the
> Renaissance. 

	I've read the Corpus Hermeticum at least once.  It
talks quite a bit about astrology, but it's the
standard astrology.  Indeed, it talks about how the
planets and celestial spheres dominate and control the
lives of most humans, and how one may transcend this.  

	However, there's no Christianity in the Corpus
Hermeticum.  Indeed, the Culminating Discourse
denounces Christianity violently, although without
explicitly naming it.  There's hardly any Christian
influence in the VMs, so there's a connection.  Of
course, the Renaissance was also the time of renewal of
the writings of ancient Greece in general, so this is
not specific to the Corpus Hermeticum.  

> As noted in the Web-sites, other textual (and graphical) evidence from the
> Voynich manuscript seems to point toward its creation in the period from
> around 1400 to 1600.

	Our best indicators to date:  

	1)  Julie Porter, who has been a costumes mistress at
several Renaissance festivals, notes that the nymphs'
hairdos date them 1480-1520.

	2)  Jim Reeds talked to Prof. Sergio Toresella about
the influence of the "humanist hand" on the Voynich
script.  The "humanist hand", the bridge between the
Gothic script of the Middle Ages and the Italic script
of modern times, was used only for a few decades in the
15th century.  

	So 1480 would be a good date.
