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Re: Marche: VMS zodiac based on Hermetic sources going back to Dendera

Bradley E. SCHAEFER wrote:
> Egyptian Dendera ceiling zodiac, dating from around 30 A.D., illustrated
> and described in E. C. Krupp's In Search of Ancient Astronomies (1978), pp.

Ah, he beat me to it! :) I just read the article at lunchtime and remembered
the calender in Krupp. Without going home to review the book, let me add
that Krupp is one of the best introductory texts on archaeoastronomy I've
seen, and should be read by anyone interested in the topic.

I remember thinking a while back that Hermetic texts might be an interesting
and plausible topic for the VMs. Certainly they might be a source for crib
words and phrases to test against the content as, even if it's not a copy
of one of the actual texts, it might refer to them or the associated
magical ideas. Has anyone explored this?


Adams Douglas, San Diego, CA   Adams@xxxxxxxxxxx
PGP Public Keys: http://Adams.Douglas.net/pgpkey.txt
<adamsd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 084E B706 E8D5 4C2E 1A43  ECE2 6B96 8018 6238 197A
UTM:11S0487200 3623500 MGRS-2:11SMS872235 (100-meter)

     "I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking 
      about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; 
      but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in 
      numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
                              - William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)