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Re: Sky & Telescope article

On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Dennis wrote:

> Dan Moonhawk Alford wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Rene Zandbergen wrote:
> > 
> > > The Dendera zodiac is quite famous. I may have an illustration of it
> > > somewhere but can't quickly find it. Now unless I am much mistaken, it
> > > is circular so its starting point may not be obvious. And in AD 30 the
> > > starting point for the zodiac should really still be Aries.
> > 
> > In the last part of the last degree? People must've already been singing
> > "This is the dawning of the Age o-of Pi-isces" in the streets! ;-)
> 	Or,
> 	"What rough beast, his hour come round at last,
> 	"Slouches towards Eridu to be born?"  
> Incidentally.  Scholars, over the last ten years, have
> discovered that the Mithraic cult of the middle to late
> Roman empire originated from the discovery that the sky
> was going from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Pisces. 

Slight problem with that.

Astrologically, there was the Age of Taurus (~4-2000 BCE), then Aries
(~2000-1 BCE), then Pisces (~1-2000 CE), and we're now on the cusp of
Aquarius ~2-4000 CE). 

We are now half-way around the zodiac from the Great Deluge from melting
glaciers that sunk Atlantis at the retreat of the Ice Age at the cusp of
Leo. I wonder if anything will happen when we hit the exact opposition
position. The beginning of the Age of Leo called for strong male leaders
to build civilization anew; Aquarius calls for ingenuity and humanity,
being the only human figure in the standard zodiac.

> I'm not good on astronomy, but the star Perseus sits in
> the sky such that Perseus could be the star/god
> responsible for the end of the Age of Taurus.  At that
> time it would have been seen as Perseus' moving the
> very axis of the universe.  The scene in the Mithraic
> temples show The Slaying of the Bull by Perseus, with
> animals for the other signs of the zodiac.  So a whole
> religion of the god Perseus formed around this!

That would be Age of Taurus, then, when Egyptians, Minoans and others 
following astrology revered the bull; the Hebrew people moved away from
(Taurus) bull worship to (Aries) ram/lamb slaughter at the cusp of
Taurus/Aries. Then, reportedly, Jesus (and down to current followers) used
fish(ing) metaphors and symbols 2000 yrs later at the Aries/Pisces cusp,
and later drawings show him holding a lamb, showing the new Piscean
domination over the lamb of Aries. All ancient civilizations following
astrology, which Jung called "the psychology of the ancients," brought
their religious practices into conformance with the current Age.