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Numerical Coincidence

f68r1, r2, and r3 appear to be related numerically - or then again it could
be just pure coincidence.

r1 - has the sun at top, moon at bottom with 29 labelled stars in between

r2 - has the moon at top, sun at bottom with 24 labelled, 12 unlabelled
interspersed, and 23 unlabelled on perimeter for a total of 59 stars.

r3 - is my now favourite Seasonal indicator (whether  constellations or
Lodges) that are separated by four sections of stars amounting to 11, 16,
18, and 14 for a total of 59 stars. (The opposing sides of 11 & 18 total 29,
while unfortunately the 16 & 14 total 30).

Putting r3 aside for a now, if you were to assign a numerical value to each
star in r1 and r2, along with a single value for both suns, and a single
value for both moons you could get something like this:

Starting with the Sun = 1 on r1, count each passing day with 1 star until
you reach 30 where you can mark it as a Moon for one month.

If you now move to r2, starting with the moon with a value of 30 since you
are carrying it over from the first page, you continue to mark each passing
day with 1 star (labelled or not is unimportant for now) until you finally
reach 90 where you mark it with a Sun for the completion of one Quarter (or

Now you go back to r1 where the Sun now holds a value of 90 and continue
on.... Until you reach 360 which would be the result of 12 equal zodiac
months of 30 nymphs too!

Why some stars are labelled and others not I can not quite grasp as yet
under my (perhaps forced) numerical coincidences.  T total of labelled stars
is 53 with 29 on r1 and 24 on r2.

I do not know if this is really going anywhere, but it seems like the
numbers add up to me...

For what that is worth :-)
