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[Fwd: Voynich Manuscript + James Hampton]

	Does anyone know anything about "The Story of the
Vivian Girls" by Henry Darger (1892-1972)?  It's sure
news to me!  

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Dennis wrote:
> catherine yronwode wrote:
> >
> >  I have never heard of the Voynich Manuscript before, so at first
> > mention i thought this a modern hoax ala the fiction of Jorge Luis
> > Borges, Ishmael Reed, Robert Anton Wilson, and Umberto Ecco,
>         The Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini
> http://www.io.com/~iareth/codindx.html
> might well be just such a thing!
> > but if it
> > is not a hoax, then it certainly would be a fascinating project for
> > cryptographers with an interest in the occult. :-)
>         It's not a modern hoax, since we have traced much of
> its earlier history.  We can't exclude a Renaissance
> hoax, but it's only a remote possibility.  The
> statistical properties of the text are weird in the
> extreme, but the text has a great amount of structure,
> so most of us don't think that it's a hoax.
>         We hold various degrees of interest in the occult.
> Dr. John Dee may well be the man who sold the VMs to
> the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II of Prague, but I
> don't believe that he wrote or channeled it.
> > Please consider running a list of the 5 best URLs on the Voynich
> > Manuscript and an intro to the topic, such as you posted here, past the
> > folks at the Sacred Landscape e-list. There are some gematria-oriented
> > number-crunchers there with good knowledge of the Western Esoteric
> > Tradition who might wish to know of the existence of your e-list. The
> > Sacred Landscape can be reached at
> >      sacredlandscapelist@xxxxxxxxxxx
>         Excellent suggestion.  Thank you!

I had never heard of he Voynich Manuscript either . . . (and i thank you
for bringing it to my attention) - but i thought it was interesting that
upon looking at the illustrations - the first thing that came to mind
was the work "The Story of the Vivian Girls, in what is Known as the
Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by
the Child Slave Rebellion" by mad Genius Henry Darger (1892-1972)
I used to spent many hours at the library photocopying those crazy
rosicrucian style diagrams and charts 
("Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians" and Hienrik Khunraths
"amphitheatre of eternal wisdom" and that sort of stuff) that are
probably close to contemprorary with the voynich manuscript - and some
of the radially symetrical diagrams in the Voynich Manuscript really
remind me of the drawings i did around that time (inspired by said
rosicrucian  symbolism) - 
	But i made the jump from the Voynich Manuscript illustrations too Henry
Darger's befor i even though of the "rosicrucian" stuff........

>         On a somewhat related case that might be right up your
> alley:
> Deciphering James Hampton's Secret Writing
> http://www2.micro-net.com/~ixohoxi/hampton/hampton.htm
>         James Hampton was an "outsider artist" who created the
> magnificent
> Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium
> General Assembly,
> usually on exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Museum
> of American Art,
> in Washington, D.C., although it's on display at
> Williamsburg for a couple years.
> You need to look at the pictures on my site; it most
> resembles a very elaborate
> Catholic or Orthodox church altar.  Hampton put it
> together out of various kinds of junk.
> He was an American black man who worked as a
> janitor in DC and worked on this in the evening.
>         However, Hampton also kept a diary in an unknown and
> still undeciphered script.  He also labeled items in
> the Throne with it and had signs using it on the
> walls.  My web site has images of several pages of his
> diary, as well as my transcription alphabet.  The site
> is devoted to deciphering the script.
>         I haven't yet taken the time to put my latest
> hypothesis up.  I noticed that he does have an
> alphabet, and standard crypto tests indicated roughly
> the numbers of consonants and vowels of phonetic
> English.  I attacked it using standard crypto methods
> but got only gibberish.  I still think that his system
> represents English phonemes, but that he has a private
> language; see the notes on "Martian" at the end.
>         I once showed you (cat) a couple of diary pages, and
> you said that it wasn't like the odd scripts in the
> grimoires that you sell.  I have yet to find any
> precedents at all for the script, although I think that
> such do exist.
>         If you or anyone else look at the site and come up
> with more ideas, I'd sure like to hear them!
> Yours,
> Dennis Stallings

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