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Re: Jackson: a second medieval work with non-existant plants

	I looked for ref's and images of the Liber Floridus on
the Web.  I found ref's but no images.  (A lot of the
material that turned up on 
was in German, so someone who knows that language might
do better.

	So by all means ask Dr. Jackson for further ref's,
especially with pic's in them.

	Here are my results.



Maps, Witnesses of History

En revanche, celle intitulée l'Europa Mundi Pars Quarta 
dont je vous ai parlé est extraite du manuscrit
du Liber Floridus de Lambert de Saint-Omer conservé à

In turn, the map intitled "Europe the Fourth Part of
the World",
of which I've already spoken to you is taken from the
"Liber Floridus" of Lambert of Saint-Omer preserved at

9. Encyclopédies utilisées par les prédicateurs : 

  Liber Floridus de Lambert de Saint-Omer, 
  De Naturis rerum de Thomas de Cantimpré, 
  Liber de proprietatibus rerum (le Livre des
propriétés des choses)
      de Barthélémy l?Anglais, 
  Bestiaire d?Amours et Response de Richard de

Derolez, Albert

 The autograph manuscript of the Liber Floridus : a key
to the encyclopedia of Lambert of
 Saint-Omer / by Albert Derolez. - Turnholti : Brepols,
1998. - 210, 42 S. : Ill.
 (Corpus Christianorum : Autographa medii aevi ; 4)
 Text engl., Autograph lat.
 ISBN 2-503-50792-1 - ISBN 2-503-50793-X
 Standort: 98 B 5275

N. 39 (1987)
Imago Mundi. The Journal of the International Society
for the History of Cartography
London, Imago Mundi Ltd. C/o King's College

Danielle Lecoqc, La mappemonde du Liber Floridus ou la
vision du monde de Lambert de
Saint-Omer, pp. 9-49
John R. Hébert, Vicente Sebastian Pintado, Surveyor
General of Spanish West Florida, 1805-1817

Penn State Libraries

Manuscript Facsimiles
Lambert, of Saint-Omer. Lamberti S. Audomari Canonici
Liber Floridus.
 Gandavi: In aedibus Story-Scientia, 1968.
AE2.L36 1968 Q [Shelved in Manuscript Facsimile] 

Arthurian Folklore
A number of sites have been claimed as Arthur's Court /
 One of these is mentioned in an 'encyclopedia'
completed in
1120 by Lambert of St. Omer, whose text is related to
the Historia 
Brittonum (see D.N. Dumville, 'The Liber Floridus of
Lambert of Saint-Omer and the Historia Brittonum' in 
Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 26 (1974-6),

University of Ghent Libraries

Manuscripts I

"Among the medieval manuscripts
a very special place is occupied by the documents that
come from 
Sint-Pieters Abbey (incl. the famous Liber


"Bradley E. SCHAEFER" wrote:
> Hi;
>         I don't know whether other books with non-existant plants are
> known within the VMS community.  If not then this could be a fun lead.
> Again, I would appreciate comments from knowledgable folks, in part for
> passing on to Dr. Jackson.
> Cheers,
> Brad
> schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 23:17:14 -0500
> From: Richard A. Jackson <RAJacobson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: Richard A. Jackson <rjackson@xxxxxx>
> To: schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Voynich manuscript II
> I forgot to mention something. Manuscripts of the _Liber Floridus_ (ca.
> 1200) of Lambert of Saint-Omer also contain illustrations of non-existant
> plants. They ar both strange and lovely. I can send you references, if
> wanted.
> Richard A. Jackson