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Re: VMs: Kiev Article on VMs

11/10/2004 10:35:31 PM, "Dana Scott" <dscott520@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>The following points to an article from Kiev referencing John Stojko's 
>"Letters to God's Eye". Perhaps someone can provide us with a synopsis of 
>the article?

I don't know much Ukrainian, but the title is 
"slidamy natsional'nykh mistyfikatsiy"

I do not recognize the first word, but the last two
are close enough to Russian. They mean "of national

It looks like a compendium of crackpot publications
and theories, viz, further down: "Vid Atlantidi do
Avstraliï" ([?] of Atlantis to Australia). Ah, yes,
and there is a mention of the Oera Linda Book in that

But someone here can probably read Ukrainian. I give
up: I did not realize that it was so different from

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