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Re: VMs: Gordon Rugg's experiment

Dennis wrote:
> Jorge Stolfi wrote:
> >
> > I did some analysis of the texts that are available at Gordon Rugg's
> > site, and of other material which he kindly sent me. I am still
> > writing a detailed report, but my main objection is that the
> > table-and-grille method is too good. For one thing, it allows complete
> > control over the first 500 or so words; so one could use it to produce
> > a literal copy of --say-- Hamlet's monologue. Therefore, to uncover
> > the method's limitations one would have to analyze a much larger
> > sample.
>         This, along with the other points you make, sound like
> a reduction to absurdity.  That alone would be disproof
> of Rugg's method.

One thing that I do not quite seem to understand about
the method is how the tables from which the text is generated
were constracted? If Gordon Rugg produced them on the basis
of statistical features of the VMS, aren't the tables
just a transformation of the "deep structure" of Voynichese?
It does not say anything about the creation of the language
(or structured gibberish) itself. Or maybe I just don't
understand (I have not seen the Cryptologia article - just
tried to follow the discussion and read Gordon Rugg's Web pages).

Best regards,

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