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Re: VMs: Original encoding scheme

We have two different results:

Voyniches:  1952 out of 5817 words are anagrams of any other word (33.5%)
Here is a list of words that have many anagrams:
7 chekody chokedy dcheoky dokechy ekchody kcheody ykechod

If this is true then - probably - it cannot be the result of the low entropy
of the language but it must be a result of the encoding scheme. (I cannot
see a direct correlation between low entropy and a lot of anagrams.) Are
there any conclusions to be drawn from this?

my result is different, I used FSG parsed out of the EVT file and found 6112
unique words, of which 59 occurred twice, i.e. they were anagrams. None were
found more than twice. This works out to 0.96 percent, just under 1 in 100.

If this is true then - alas - no further conclusions in this direction.

Anyway, thanks for responding to my suggestion so quickly. I'll keep
brooding over it.

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