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Re: Found on the Net: Voynich, Andromeda & NGC4038/39

Jacques Guy wrote:
> For the kookie file in the Voynich archives:
> http://www.geocities.com/chemosh_of_ammon/NGC1987A.html

	Boy, this IS kooky!  Such talent gone to waste...  Is
that a nymph in Cassiopeia's Chair?  Hard to tell with
the blood.

	But now we know:  the nymphs in f78r are the Seven
Sisters!  What a crib!

	But wait!  There's a blue substance pouring into the
vat, and the next thing you know...

	A *blue* lady in f82r!!!  So THAT'S what the vats are
for... to make homunculae!!!

	The nymphs are homunculae!  So we just need to get the
recipes for the vat liquid from the herbal pages, and
we can make homunculae to our hearts' content!!!  Think
of the possibilities ...

	And I thought the vats contained the antique
contraceptive herb silphium!  Silly me...
