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Sky & Telescope article

	I have finally seen a copy of my Sky & Telescope article, and
thought that the magazine did justice to the pictures.  Old-timers on this
list need not look at the article as it will be old-hat for you.  I did
have Rene kindly check it over for errors and made his suggested changes.
	I bought the pictures from Beinecke, taken at my special request,
and by their policy, I own the copyright to the pictures.  I will
readily give permission for any non-commercial copying.  But I figured
that I paid a lot of money for the pictures and I did not want S&T to get
the copyright which cost a lot more than they paid me for the article.
	Beyond exposing a fun topic to a broad new audience, I explicitly 
asked for anyone who might know of any precedence for the zodiac figures.
The hope is that their many unique features might be repeated somewhere
else and a match could provide a sure and desperately needed provenance.
	I have been getting a number of emails on suggestions or comments.
Some might be worth looking into.  In later messages, I will forward the
communications that might be of interest to our group.  I would appreciate
any and all comments, partly for forwarding to the originator.  But my
best hope is that the responses might trigger some 'Aha' reaction... 